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LibreOffice 24.8

Unsere neueste Hauptversion

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Machen auch Sie mit!
Announcing the LibreOffice Calc Guide 24.8

Dione Maddern and The Documentation Team are proud to announce the immediate availability of the LibreOffice Calc Guide 24.8, an update of the existing Calc Guide 24.2 with enhancements taken from the current LibreOffice 24.8 Calc module. The book was reviewed for clarity, readability and content additions, notably the Calc database table referencing in formulas, […]

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Hazard: A LibreOffice Impress template to play Jeopardy-like games

Marcial Machado recently posted on Reddit about his “fully-featured LibreOffice Impress template for creating Jeopardy-style games. Just add your questions and categories, and you’re good to go!” So let’s find out more… What does the template do? At its core, the template is meant to emulate what a game of Jeopardy is like. You can […]

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A sad day for the Firebird Project

Helen Borrie, a key figure in the Firebird relational database project and a longtime contributor at IBPhoenix, passed away on January 2, 2025. Her contributions were essential to Firebird’s creation and its development over the past 25 years.Read the rest of the official announcement

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Announcing the LibreOffice Calc Guide 24.8

Dione Maddern and The Documentation Team are proud to announce the immediate availability of the LibreOffice Calc Guide 24.8, an update of the existing Calc Guide 24.2 with enhancements taken from the current LibreOffice 24.8 Calc module. The book was reviewed for clarity, readability and content additions, notably the Calc database table referencing in formulas, […]

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