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LibreOffice 24.8

Unsere neueste Hauptversion

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LibreOffice ist freie und quelloffene Software. Die Entwicklung ist offen für neue Mitstreiter und neue Ideen. Unsere Software wird täglich von einer großen und engagierten Benutzergemeinschaft getestet und verwendet.

Machen auch Sie mit!
LibreOffice Base and Firebird – a special relationship

(Translated from the Spanish original.) Juan C. Sanz writes: The Firebird database is distinguished by its unique features within the LibreOffice Base compatible database ecosystem. Why do I consider Firebird to be special? Because it is the only database engine that supports all possible forms of connection in Base and also allows the creation of […]

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Announcement of LibreOffice 25.2.2 and LibreOffice 24.8.6

Berlin, 27 March 2025 – The Document Foundation announces the availability of LibreOffice 25.2.2, the second minor release of the recently announced LibreOffice 25.2 family [1], and LibreOffice 24.8.6, the sixth minor release of the LibreOffice 24.8 family [2], for Windows (Intel, AMD and ARM), macOS (Apple Silicon and Intel) and Linux. LibreOffice is the […]

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LibreOffice Base and Firebird – a special relationship

(Translated from the Spanish original.) Juan C. Sanz writes: The Firebird database is distinguished by its unique features within the LibreOffice Base compatible database ecosystem. Why do I consider Firebird to be special? Because it is the only database engine that supports all possible forms of connection in Base and also allows the creation of […]

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Announcement of LibreOffice 25.2.2 and LibreOffice 24.8.6

Berlin, 27 March 2025 – The Document Foundation announces the availability of LibreOffice 25.2.2, the second minor release of the recently announced LibreOffice 25.2 family [1], and LibreOffice 24.8.6, the sixth minor release of the LibreOffice 24.8 family [2], for Windows (Intel, AMD and ARM), macOS (Apple Silicon and Intel) and Linux. LibreOffice is the […]

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